Does Asta Use the Demon Dweller Sword Again

The Demon-Dweller Sword 「宿魔の剣 Shukuma no Tsurugi[one] is an ancient Anti Magic Weapon.[2] Asta finds the sword in a hidden room inside a dungeon treasury.[three]


The sword is summoned out of an opened grimoire, within which it is stored in the form of writing.[iv] The user can easily summon the sword at volition without consuming any magical power.[5]

The sword has black markings on the blade and is mostly covered in clay. The sword also has a heavily ornate hilt with a four-sided guard, a grip with a spiral blueprint, and a sphere for the pommel.[3] The sword is capable of cutting magic with its edges and arresting other people's magical power.[6] [7] However, when it is used to cut annihilation else, it is reduced to a blunt sword that uses blunt trauma to inflict harm on the opponent.[viii]

The sword glows with Noelle's magic.

The sword'southward original ability is to absorb spells and then to release that magic in a flight slash.[ix] After the sword has absorbed a certain corporeality of magical ability, the blackness markings on it start glowing with a colour respective to the absorbed magic attribute. At that moment, when the user swings the sword, it unleashes a flight slash with like properties equally the captivated magic attribute.[10] [xi] [12] [13] [xiv] Alternatively, it is besides capable of being filled with Anti Magic, releasing flying slashes composed entirely of Anti Magic.[fifteen]

Another ability the sword possesses is connecting the wielder to their allies. With this ability, the wielder could draw magic power from their allies over a large distance[16] or could transmit magic and data to their allies.[17] [eighteen]

It has been noted that the sword passively absorbs magic from anyone holding it and is immensely heavy.[19] This absorption power can be used offensively by impaling an opponent and letting the sword bleed the victim's magic power and weakening their enhancements.[20] [21]

The sword'southward appearance while wielded in Unite

When the sword is wielded by Asta and Liebe'southward Unite form, spikes and a knuckle bow extend from the sword's guard, and the Blackness Slashes are much larger in size.[22]


  • In Tales of the Rays, Asta can use the Demon-Dweller Sword to perform the post-obit strike artes: Demon-Dweller: Flash 「宿魔・一閃 Shukuma Issen」 and Demon-Dweller: Instant Slash 「宿魔・瞬斬 Shukuma Shunzan」.
    • Asta can also use both the Demon-Slayer Sword and Demon-Dweller Sword to perform the following strike artes: Demon-Slayer and Demon-Dweller: Rotation 「断魔&宿魔・旋圏 Danma & Shukuma Senken」 and Demon-Slayer and Demon-Dweller: Bract Apartment 「断魔&宿魔・剣脊 Danma & Shukuma Kenseki」.


  1. Blackness Clover Manga and Anime — Affiliate 53 (p. 8) and Episode 37.
  2. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 101 (p. 10) and Episode 65.
  3. three.0 3.1 Black Clover Manga and Anime — Affiliate 18 (p. 19) and Episode 18.
  4. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 21 (p. 17-18) and Episode 19.
  5. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 22 (p. 10-11) and Episode xx.
  6. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter nineteen (p. 12-xiii) and Episode 18.
  7. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 23 (p. 17) and Episode 20.
  8. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 19 (p. 15) and Episode 18.
  9. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 156 (p. 12-13) and Episode 100, The sword absorbs Yuno's Wind Spirit Magic.
  10. Blackness Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 19 (p. 17-xix) and Episode 18, The sword absorbs Noelle's Water Magic.
  11. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 45 (p. 10-11) and Episode 33, The sword absorbs Gauche'south Mirror Magic.
  12. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 201 (p. four) and Episode 116, The sword absorbs Zagred's fake Lightning Magic.
  13. Blackness Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 202 (p. 6) and Episode 117, The sword absorbs Yami's Nighttime Magic.
  14. Blackness Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 206 (p. 12) and Episode 118, The sword absorbs Lemiel's Lite Magic.
  15. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 230 (p. 4-seven) and Episode 158.
  16. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 207 (p. seven-x) and Episode 118.
  17. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 210 (p. viii-x) and Episode 119.
  18. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 213 (p. vii-eleven) and Episode 120.
  19. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 22 (p. 11-12) and Episode 20.
  20. Blackness Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 71 (p. 13) and Episode 49.
  21. Black Clover Manga and Anime — Chapter 95 (p. 15) and Episode 62.
  22. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 290 (p. two-3).


Anti Magic
Demon-Slayer Sword • Demon-Dweller Sword • Demon-Destroyer Sword • Demon-Slasher Katana
Bull Thrust • Black Meteorite • Black Hurricane • Black Divider • Black Slash • Infinite Slash Equinox
Black Asta
Mirrors Slash (Mirror) • Mirrors Meteorite (Mirror)
Liebe • Asta
Sword Magic
Demon-Slayer Sword • Demon-Dweller Sword • Demon-Destroyer Sword
Origin Flash • Origin Flash Barrage • Conquering Eon
Protecting Light (Light) • Spirit Lite Tree (World Tree)


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